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Fredericksburg Parent & Family

Dad Trivia!

Nov 29, 2023 06:00AM ● By Matthew Jones

I love trivia! My memory for important things like, say, most of my childhood is pretty crummy. But I can remember that the highest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons on Mars, no problem. That’s why I love pub trivia- being rewarded for my piles of useless knowledge is just so nice.

Also, what with being a dad blogger, I’m interested in positive portrayals of fathers in the media. It can be easy to make a show or movie where the dad is incompetent or simply absent. But if you look, there are a lot of positive, supportive father characters out there.

What with being interested in both of those things, I recently put together a “Movie/TV Dads” quiz. I created it as a fun activity for a recent cookout I hosted for the local FXBG Dads group that I run. How much do you know about famous fathers in film and tv? Test your knowledge  of all things paternal and see how well you do. Leave a comment and let us know how well you do. No cheating!




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