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10 Ways To Hang With Other Moms Besides Group Chat

Jan 23, 2018 08:26PM ● By Fredericksburg Parent Staff

Are you a new mom trying to figure out how to do the friend thing outside of happy hour and coffee? Maybe you’re a veteran mom who's in a rut? One of the things we were never taught was how much harder it is to make and keep up with friends as an adult. Especially after kids. We're all tired, stressed and short on time. Never fear! We've rounded up 10 fun ways to connect with or find, your tribe of mamas.

10 Ways To Hang With Other Moms Besides Group Chat


1) Do an errand you both do anyway, together- Hitting ALDI or running to Target for diapers? Text a friend and see if she wants to join you and knock it out together. Who doesn’t love a Target run?

2) Make one of those dang Pinterest things together- What’s something you’ve had pinned to your board since 2010? Go do that. Ask your friend to bring wine or coffee and you’ll take care of supplies. Bonus points if you gram the #PinterestFails.

3) Articles club- Many of us don’t have time for a book club. Just the thought alone is overwhelming. How about an articles club instead? This idea came from the awesome blog: A Cup Of Jo. In a nutshell, everyone reads the same article each month (or week). Then, you get together to discuss. It’s a small commitment with the same great benefits of friends, wine, and snacks.

4) Binge club- We’re talking shows here, not pizza (we don’t judge, though). It’s the same idea as the articles club. Pick a show to start together and meet up periodically to discuss or even watch. Though, the latter may be hard if it’s not a kid friendly show. If you haven't already seen them, we like Travelers, Stranger Things, Glitch, The 100, The Crown, and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Get more binge-worthy show ideas here.

5) Take a fun gym class- You get a break from the kids, time with a friend, and you both get exercise. So much winning!

6) There’s always Chick-fil-A- You really can’t go wrong with Chick-fil-A. The food is great, the service is friendly and accommodating, and the kids can get their wiggles out while you catch up over waffle fries.

7) Game night- Have the girls over on a Saturday night and play something awesome together. We’re fans of Cards Against Humanity (not with little ears around), Codenames, Settlers of Catan, or card games like spades and rummy. While this sounds like a great playdate opportunity, we advise against bringing the kids. Game night is a sacred time to catch up with your mom squad.

8) Take a class together- This is kind of the same idea as taking a gym class together, or even the Pinterest idea we mentioned before. Meet up for something simple like a paint and sip class, or more complex like multiple cooking classes.

9) Walk or hike- Now that the weather's warming up you have to GET OUTSIDE. Good friends, exercise and vitamin D. The perfect trifecta for a great day!

10) Invite them over for a playdate- Simply put: Don't be afraid to have people over. Your friends don't care how clean your house is or how big your laundry mountain is. They care about you and your kiddos. Make some coffee, play some music and have people over.



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