Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why Being A Parent During Halloween Is Awesome!
Oct 30, 2017 07:20PM ● By Fredericksburg Parent Staff
It's Halloween! Are you excited? You should be... especially if you're a parent. Sure, you're not hitting a Halloween themed Happy Hour. You're not up for partying until the wee hours of the morning anymore (we're assuming). You know what, though? The best time to enjoy Halloween, aside from childhood, is as a parent. Here's why...
Top Ten Reasons Why Being A Parent During Halloween Is Awesome!
1) You get to pick the candy- Did your parents hand out lame candy, or maybe candy that they liked but you were just, "meh" about? You're the captain now, my friend. Your house. Your candy bag.
2) 90% off day- Speaking of which, you also get to partake in one of our top 3 favorite holidays, "The 90% Off Post Halloween Sale." It's a beautiful day, my friends. Bonus points if you can snag non-descript candy to use as stocking stuffers.
3) Nothing melts your heart more than seeing your baby in an adorable costume- Babies in costumes are a clear sign that there is still good in the world. Take lots of pictures, guys.
4) Family costumes- You have to let loose, be silly, and dress up as a group at least once! Again, take lots of pictures.
5) You get to relive the magic- This is one reason why parenthood is awesome. You get to relive the innocent magic of Christmas, the tooth fairy, and trick-or-treating all over again.
6) You can go trick or treating AND watch scary movies- So much winning! Well, that is if your little monsters will fall asleep after all the chocolate and excitement. Godspeed!
7) You’re old enough be nostalgic about and enjoy Hocus Pocus- It's a timeless classic that unfortuntley, younger generations just can't appreciate.
8) Adorable preschool/daycare parties- It's right up there with adorable babies in costumes, except with sweet crafts, snacks, and hugs.
9) Pumpkin painting and carving- Pinterest has opened a whole new and exciting chapter in the world of gourd decor. Go ahead and check it out. We'll see you back here in an hour, and 2,000 pins later.
10) Seasonal beverages- We're beyond college Halloween parties. After the littles are in bed and you're all settled in for the night, you get to crack open a pumpkin saison, or mix up an "adult" apple cider. You've earned it! Now enjoy all the awesomeness that is Halloween in parenthood.
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