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Checking Out “Whoo’s Awake in the Night”

Sep 29, 2016 10:59AM ● By Fredericksburg Parent Staff

Marstel-Day Brings Wildlife Center of Virginia to the Region

As Phebe came out, the room went silent. You could see everyone—kids and parents alike—leaning forward to get a better look. After all, it’s not every day that you get to see an opossum up close.

Phebe was just one visitor that the Wildlife Center of Virginia representative brought with her to the events held at the Children’s Museum of Richmond–Fredericksburg, and at Friends of the Rappahannock, as part of Marstel-Day’s #StandwithWildlife campaign. The “Whoo’s Awake in the Night” program is one of several that the Wildlife Center offers. Last August, the Wildlife Center introduced attendees to a variety of nocturnal creatures that can be found in the area, including snakes, opossums, and owls. Attendees learned how these animals have adapted, and how they could help protect the animals through simple actions such as not tossing waste onto the side of the road.

marstel day wildlife center

This event, brought through partnerships between Marstel-Day, Friends of the Rappahannock and the Children’s Museum of Richmond, was one in a series that focused on the region’s youth as part of Marstel-Day’s #StandwithWildlife campaign. One key reason for this is that, “Teaching the next generation about good environmental stewardship is crucial, as I’ve learned with my young daughter, especially when the experience can be personalized,” Marstel-Day President and CEO Rebecca R. Rubin says. It was evident after each of the sessions that attendees learned more about some of the nocturnal animals that reside in the area.

Marstel-Day is an environmental consulting company based in Fredericksburg, Virginia, that offers a variety of innovative solutions to business, government, and nonprofit clients. • Facebook: • Twitter:

marstel day wildlife#StandwithWildlife Campaign

#StandwithWildlife is a lecture series that highlights critical habitat and wildlife issues facing our world today. Speakers have included experts who have presented programs about saving habitat for just one more generation; the human-wildlife interface; wildlife trafficking; plastics pollution; conservation leadership; getting kids out in nature; and more. These talks are open to the public and are recorded. To see past talks, go to:, and email Ann Kuo at [email protected] if you would like to be added to the email list to learn about future talks.

The Wildlife Center of Virginia, located in Waynesboro, Virginia, focuses on providing healthcare to native wildlife. In addition to providing this care, the center also offers educational programs around the state that teach children and adults about wildlife based on the lessons the center has learned through providing everyday care. To learn more about the center, and whether a program is happening near you, visit

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