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Fredericksburg Parent & Family

Family Favorites Winner FAQ 2024

Congratulations!  You are a 2024 FredParent Family Favorite 1st Place WINNER.  Please let FredParent know how we can assist along the way leading up to the July magazine reveal/announcement.


Here are a few FredParent Family Favorites FAQs to help you prepare for the July magazine:


1. What should be included in my ad, when do I need to submit it, and what kind of picture should I send?

FredParent thinks a great Family Favorite ad includes a message of thanks to families that voted for you, a great photo and logo, as well as general information about what makes you so special.  Please submit your ad on or before Tuesday, June 11th along with your picture and 25–30-word description.  FredParent suggests a picture with your team/staff, if possible. ***On a fun note, this is the 10th Anniversary of Fredericksburg Parent’s Family Favorites contest.  Please share a sweet message to us in your ad and we will include it in our special email blast***



2. Do you have my picture and write up from last year?  I would like to use the same one.

If you are a repeat Winner in your category, it is very likely that FredParent has your write-up and photo on file.  Just let us know via email if you intend to use last year's photo and write-up.


3. Does FredParent offer ad design help?

Yes, FredParent is happy to assist with your ad design.  If this is a service that you would like to utilize, we ask that you let us know by Wednesday, May 22nd. 


4. How do I get the Family Favorite Winner logo into my ad?

If you would like to have the Family Favorite Winner logo inserted into your ad, just let us know and FredParent's team will make it happen.


5. How do I get a copy of the July magazine?

Any business that secures a Family Favorites advertisement will be guaranteed a reserved copy of the July magazine.  The pricing below is exclusive to Family Favorite nominees. 


Quarter page ads for $599 - (8.12 W x 2.3 H)


Half page ads or $799 - (8.12 W x 5 H)


Full page ads for $1099 - (8.12 W x 10.3 H)



6. Where can I find an example of a past FredParent Family Favorite magazine?

You can check out FredParent’s 2022 Family Favorites magazine right here, July 2023 (


7.  Is payment for my advertisement due in June? 

Typically, payment is due in June.  However, FredParent can work with you on a payment plan, if requested. 



8. What are the WINNER AWARD packages about? 

FredParent wanted to offer extreme value to each of our Winners that invests in a 2024 Family Favorites Awards package. Our team appreciates your feedback and we have responded with several awesome offerings.  Award packages can include items such as a commemorative plaque, customized digitally-designed poster announcing your win, window decal, digital Winner badge for website/social, and more!  Being a Family Favorite Winner is serious business and you deserve to be recognized!  Once again, congratulations!








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